Passable femboys

Passable femboys

But after all, What does it mean to be a femboy? It doesn't help anyone. Yeah it is fine to want to be a masculine man's man but it just looks and feels ridicilous on some of us. It's possible I'll read it later depending on the story. They will often use makeup to feminize their facial features; some will undergo gender reassignment surgery. The term is being used frequently in many online communities, and sometimes the LGBTQ community gets a bit confused about it. But well I did have to deal with being pushed into a male mold when I was young. At the end of the day, we are all human and behaviors shouldn't be catergorized as masculine or feminine. What are femboys? We should all be free to be ourselves and live our lives without fear of judgment or discrimination. Most femboys are androgynous, and can easily pass for male or female. On this account, F1NN5TER has taken on the persona of Rose Evergreen, his e-girl persona, and posts videos featuring himself in seductive and cute poses.

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