

UnknownHostException: Could not resolve: -www. But that's really outside of the scope of upstream resolved. Can confirm the same effect with a OpenVPN connection. Alternatively, if you are a desktop user, you could use NetworkManager-openvpn, which would take care of all of this for you automatically. If you really don't have any global routing domains set, then systemd-resolved will send requests to all configured DNS servers, so it's going to be used. Hello, I can reply late because I am covid, I apologize. There can't find any easy way to tell systemd-resolve to use a specified DNS server, or disable any DNS server according " systemd-resolve --help ". But even still, resolved would pick my local router's DNS server simply because it responds a little faster! This should therefore be the default behaviour. In Ubuntu I have exactly the same problem here.. Join Date: Jan Posts: 2.

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