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Cinema magazine commented "With a face like that of a fallen angel, Carol Lynley has beauty that is often awe inspiring". Don't have an account yet? Article Talk. Shortly afterwards, she and O'Neal co-starred in Good Sports , playing a couple who co-star in a sports news program, but O'Neal's performance was lambasted and only 9 episodes were aired. Odessa, Ukraine - October 22, Jubilee men's magazine Playboy nightclub. However the episode is regarded among the best episodes in the entire Star Trek franchise, with Collins considered one of the most memorable guest stars in the original series. At odd times, she would try to kill herself - the first time was at age 14 - but the next day she would be just fine. In , at the tender age of seven, she and her family moved to Los Angeles, where her father started a West Coast branch of the family transportation business. Nevertheless, her striking looks and smoldering screen presence made a strong impression on moviegoers, immediately establishing her as one of the most desired women in the world and as an ornament to put alongside some of the most bankable talent of the era, such as Elvis Presley in Fun in Acapulco and Dean Martin in 4 for Texas Winning a campus beauty contest got her noticed by an agent, who encouraged her to pursue acting. Remember me on this computer not recommended on public or shared computers. Hot brunette girls posing near wall in studio.

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