Pole dance pornhub

Pole dance pornhub

This post is about what they told me. When tumblr recently banned all NSFW content, there was an uproar and many people left the platform — so much that Pornhub offered to buy it to reinstate the saucy stuff. Do you think this has changed with shadowbans and copyright, and if so how can newbies still get […]. The news that pole dancing has been formally recognised as a sport — and will now be considered for possible inclusion in the Olympics — fills me with delight. The sad part is that these are many of our most popular hashtags and an integral part of OUR community! One of my favourite pole dance performers, Kitty Velour, once said growing your following is a great way of getting noticed as a pole dance performer and this is probably valid for instructors as well. To fight the shadowban, many pole dancers are also moving their content to pastures new, like OnlyFans or Patreon. This is a great breakthrough for women, in that other sports require them to have muscles. You might imagine I would feel weary and suspicious at this development. I would like sex workers to be recognised as workers with rights so that they can work safely. After having their profiles shadow-banned or blocked, many people have reported the loss of […] Loading Katie Coates, president of the international pole sports federation, who has campaigned for 11 years for pole dancing to become part of the Olympic Games.

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