Pornhub 2018 year in review

Pornhub 2018 year in review

Centineo searches shot up percent after the film's release in August, and totaled 7. It also means that the site saw an average of 92 million visits every day. Email Address. Oct 28, 16, Twitter Facebook YouTube Instagram. Gaming Hangouts. There's no mention of sisters or mothers or incest. In , the site streamed a total of 4, petabytes, which, as Pornhub brags, is more than the entire internet consumed in You guys really can't get enough of this game, can you? According to PornHub, a total of Petabytes of data was transferred in The platform racked up More recently, Pornhub attributes a percent increase in Wild West-related searches to the October arrival of Rockstar's highly anticipated Western epic Red Dead Redemption 2.

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