Pornhub ban florida

Pornhub ban florida

The first state to require age verification to access pornographic websites was Louisiana, with the legislation taking effect in January Lighter Side. Search Free Newsletters. With more states passing similar legislation, attorneys and advocates for porn sites have argued that the laws also prohibit adult access. Friday evening commute along I to be slowed by severe storms. Kekesi added that Pornhub is consulting its legal team and "reviewing options," adding: "This is not the end. Emon Ars Praefectus. Their constituents seem to love being shat upon. How a lawsuit would go against Florida's legislation, which also includes social media restrictions for minors, is unclear. While the specifics vary between states, in general the new laws mean users are required to provide a pornographic website with a copy of their ID to obtain access, something opponents say claim some would be unwilling or unable to do. Expecting the law to permit a non-existent solution seems unrealistic. Pornhub seems to be betting on NetChoice going after HB 3 next.

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