Pornhub ban utah

Pornhub ban utah

Spencer Cox had an almost immediate affect on Utahns who visit the popular adult-content website, Pornhub. Summer nights tend to be more fun with a fire pit and right now you can get a discounted bundles from Solo Stove. Ski Report. In January, a law requiring adult websites to deploy age verification measures and ensure their visitors are 18 or older went into effect in Lousiana. The website joins others controlled by its parent company, MindGeek, in an ongoing response to efforts in conservative states to block pornography from people younger than Dave Burke, VP of engineering at Android, said on Thursday that he is stepping down from the role after 14 years. Pornhub went dark in Utah on Monday. Due to Utah's new social media laws, there is concern that websites such as Facebook and Instagram could go black in Utah. This week in AI, Apple stole the spotlight. And they would have to provide this verification every single time they logged on. Similar legislation went into effect in Louisiana at the start of the year. In addition, mandating age verification without proper enforcement gives platforms the opportunity to choose whether or not to comply.

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