Pornhub banned texas

Pornhub banned texas

This marks the seventh U. However, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton appealed the decision, leading to last week's ruling that HB 's age verification requirement can go ahead. Pornhub Just Banned Texas. However, privacy advocates have raised concerns about the data collection associated with these measures, citing privacy-related issues. And Texas isn't going to let up, guys! This is what Texas users see when they visit the adult site Screenshot credit: Hackread. I went there to test it out. Smith wrote in his ruling. Many of them require the companies to obtain an identification card from users who want to access adult sexual content. Eric Holcomb. The sites are not permitted to retain identifying information. There are several myths about Texas that range from quirky to fun and just plain ignorant and insulting, and even some people born and raised her believe 'em.

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