Pornhub banning

Pornhub banning

Using this service does not require people to turn over their real identities to porn sites. To read how Newsweek uses AI as a newsroom tool, Click here. While acknowledging the importance of age verification, Pornhub contends that these specified systems encroach upon user privacy and curtail free speech rights concerning adult content. Company Corporate Trends. Close X. Value lies as much in the hand as the bag. Online age verification proposals—not just for porn but for social media—are sweeping the country. This system isn't perfect, but it is less invasive than the alternative—closer to a convenience store clerk glancing at someone's ID than to creating a gigantic porn viewer database linked to real identities. What the company is pushing for instead is for the onus to be put on manufacturers of devices being used to access sites, rather than on the sites themselves. Subscribe here. Go Back Close Local your local region National. Unsurprisingly, politicians don't seem interested.

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