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The character's name in Traumnovelle is "Marianne". Right then, though, we talked about things that friends talk about when the trash of the outside world is held at bay, and the only thing that matters is the two of us, stripped down to the essentials. The surveillance aspect of the ruling elite, in which they seem to know Bill's every move—like at the mansion's gate when he looks up into the eye of the security camera—recalls George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four , in which the totalitarian state "Big Brother", with its "Thought Police", watches everyone: "…the poster with the enormous face gazed from the wall. On one hand the genre prescribed to a story doesn't matter much, and is merely an attached label by which the work can be advertised. From where I sat in the tub, I could see a still frame of a young white guy on his back, his legs spread into the receiving end of the missionary position. One thing is certain: Kubrick films always look and sound amazing. And not always as immediately apparent are seemingly endless allusions that extend across the fields of literature, music, opera, ballet, mythology, religion, politics, history, etymology, cinema, and even Kubrick's own personal life. This is crazy. The Cupid and Psyche story alludes to "mystery religions" which were a kind of early cult involving "initiates" called mystai mystics. Gayle refers to previously meeting Bill "on a very windy day". She had a red rose in her mouth. What results is a kind of artistic Rubik's Cube—a Kubrick's Cube—or more accurately, Kubrick's Parallelepiped or something.

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