Pornhub block reddit

Pornhub block reddit

BPI court order. Archived from the original on 16 December Retrieved 25 November MPAA court order [36]. Fenopy H33t KickassTorrents. NewzBin2 [7]. File hosting. It does require a smartphone, but research shows that's where the vast majority of porn gets watched these days anyway. As part of UK sanctions against Russia, ISPs are required to take "reasonable steps to prevent" users accessing "an internet service provided by" a person or organisation sanctioned by the UK government. Sites are blocked using various methods across the "Big 5" UK ISPs , in accordance with Section 97A of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act , making it difficult to ascertain the extent to which a site is 'blocked' or not. Updated 5. Archived from the original on 27 September

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