Pornhub blocked in south carolina

Pornhub blocked in south carolina

Travis Fain: So it says that you have to verify the age of users. The move prompted the most highly trafficked pornography website in the world — Pornhub — to instead block access to its content around North Carolina. A native of Central New York, he spent three-and-a-half years covering politics in Wyoming before joining the paper in late Utah doesn't have a digitized government identification service to do this, whereas Louisiana, that has a similar law, does. Share this story. Ryan Pitkin Send an email December 30, 5 minutes read. Our community journalism helps inform you through a range of diverse voices. The deadline for all residents to apply is March 31, Upon arrival, they found year-old Yamile Gomez suffering from life-threatening stab wounds. Some are concerned the changes could restrict free speech. South Carolina lawmakers are pushing for legislation similar to those passed in several other states to require adult entertainment sites and social media platforms to verify the age of users and content creators on their sites. Play Live Radio.

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