Pornhub blocked oklahoma

Pornhub blocked oklahoma

In a statement sent to Newsweek, Alex Kekesi, Pornhub's vice president of brand and community, commented: "Unfortunately the Texas law for age verification is ineffective, haphazard, and dangerous. But opponents of the Texas law and similar measures like SB point to Pornhub's decision as an example of how such legislation ultimately violates adults' free speech and amounts to unnecessary government interference into citizens' lives. Languages: English. In a device-based system, parents could make sure their minor kids' devices were specially equipped with a mechanism to alert websites that person using it is under It wants to see age restrictions implemented at the device level. Stabile said the Free Speech Coalition is open to a discussion with Rep. Sign up! So far, they have not lived up to their ADPs — and that's an understatement. More content below. In fact, Texas is the seventh state that adult content platforms run by the Canadian company Aylo formerly MindGeek have left over age verification requirements. During floor debate, Alvord and Hasenbeck said the measures provide simple common-sense protections. Since then, at least seven other states have begun pushing legislation to follow in Louisana's footsteps, according to a tracker from the Free Speech Coalition.

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