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In fact, a great transition is taking place in our larger culture as well. Try not to beat yourself up about not lasting as long as porn guys. Your love is greater. This academic paper explains this nicely. Or could it impossibly be the fearsome video editing software? If you are wanting to have more enjoyable sex together, you might find reading a few more articles on here to be useful Should Men Last Longer At Sex? The real mark of anyone who truly admires female beauty isn't simply a desire to possess it, to have a girlfriend or a wife, to have sex with a woman. I've been to my current therapist several times dressed femininely, so it feels wrong to talk to her about the fact that it brings me sexual pleasure… Like me doing that… would make her incredibly uncomfortable. They are openly accessible to children, and it is not uncommon to see reddit posts from those claiming to be underage boys in sissification groups. Start Writing Get the app. Expand full comment. Substack is the home for great culture.

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