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I think about reverse O but was put off by other reviews that say she doesnt do it, when I went to her snatch, she said "no fingers", so decided to just let her do all the work. I asked to use the shower so Lily led me down to it. She then took turn with OWO on her knees while i was standing up; she was very enthusiastic going as deep as possible and sloppy but just enough and not overly wet with plenty good eye contact. I think her mouth was getting a bit tired after another fairly long OWO sessions. More snogging DFK then she goes down for some OWO, which is quite good, not DT but not bad, have to ask her to lick my balls, she does that but didnt seem too keen. Sugar Baby? This is why last week I got there before opening and waited so I was first to see her this day but I still had to wait for ages until she turned up after Her English is good enough for conversation and she warmed up as things progressed. The bitch in me must've slipped out, as I shrugged it off with an uncomfortable giggle and smile. Brazilian hottie Thayna Santos enjoys having good old brown with horny black dude 2. Lily is mid to late 50s, but still a decent body for her age. I overstayed by 5 mins.

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