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Search Free Newsletters. OK, one more audio erotica, just for fun. In March of this year, YouPorn used artificial intelligence to predict the top searches of With at least million daily visits, MindGeek has a massive range of users to draw data from and create content for. Elon Musk previewed a mockup of a Tesla rideshare app. And while there have been attempts to regulate the industry the UK is trying to enforce age-verification for porn sites, for instance , the adult entertainment sector has still flourished further from the limelight than other massive digital companies. Spotify is also using AI to find out what its users wants , and is continually analyzing user data. The study also notes that because it costs less to produce adult content, MindGeek can quickly adapt to emerging trends. Prominent examples include the use of VHS, instant messaging, e-commerce, and video streaming. While Netflix and Spotify might be more well-known household names, they know slightly less about their users than MindGeek does. Perhaps this user remains the longest on videos where the women keep their clothes on the whole time. Raustiala said that you can think of it as a spectrum, and MindGeek is furthest along in terms of using big data in a feedback loop.

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