Pornhub change name

Pornhub change name

Archived from the original on 18 December This will open a drop-down with two options: Log In and Sign Up. Pornhub partners with UK child abuse fighting charity. They were sued in California for hosting non-consensual pornography produced by GirlsDoPorn , which coerced women into appearing in their videos under false pretenses. This comment was marked as resolved. Baroness Gabrielle Bertin, who was appointed by the UK government to lead a review of pornography backed the move. TV Expand the sub menu. All rights reserved. The attorneys bringing the suit included lawyers working for the National Center on Sexual Exploitation. The lawsuit also alleges that MindGeek failed to remove GirlsDoPorn videos despite requests for removal by victims, as recently as December Archived from the original on 4 March Business Insider.

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