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Over a dozen U. NBC 7 San Diego. United States Department of Justice. Pratt began working in the pornographic industry around the year , after graduating from high school. Ars Technica. Follow her on Twitter: lailamickelwait. A lawsuit filed in alleged "intentional misrepresentation, fraudulent concealment, unlawful and fraudulent business practices, and the intentional infliction of emotional distress" on the parts of New Zealand nationals Michael Pratt co-owner and Matthew Wolfe co-owner and cameraman , as well as Andre Garcia pornographic actor. He will also be on supervised release for 10 years following the end of his custodial term. GirlsDoPorn's channel was removed from Pornhub in October , which journalists at Daily Dot and Motherboard said was a slow response to the incident. According to court documents, the company's response varied. Article Talk. Retrieved January 16,

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