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Jim Pillen. Why, after being alerted by Plaintiff that the video was child porn, would it allow the video to be reuploaded, whereafter advertisements were again featured alongside the reuploaded videos? The Free Speech Coalition, an adult-industry lobby group that sued Texas over its law, said it "disagree[s] strenuously with the analysis of the Court majority. Aceman27 Newbie. Most disturbing of all, Plaintiff alleges that MindGeek itself would reupload illegal videos that it had been forced to disable using made-up accounts that masked the true identity of the uploader. In the past, Roku supported "private" channels, and there were some adult content available through those. Click on images search tab and the smut rolls right in. Search result wrong and youth-endangering with porn content Brave Search. RAD issues? FreeFiltering January 18, , pm This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. A user experience with brave search, issues, opinions and tips for other users.

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