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Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2. Ino, jealous of Sakura's new-found healing abilities, asks to train with Sakura to be a medical-nin. Archived from the original on 5 April Sasuke admitted to Sakura his regret in not being around more over the years since marrying each other. Main article: Kazekage Rescue Mission. Despite this, they decide to rekindle their friendship, though can't help but continue to bicker over Sasuke. When they get there, Sakura helps collect passengers ejected from the approaching Tobishachimaru and then, after the Tobishachimaru crashes nearby, heals the survivors. Sections U. Appealing to his love of gambling, Sakura played cards with him. The prolonged fighting exhausts Tsunade and leaves Sakura and Shizune with little chakra to spare. Archived from the original on 24 May Training under Tsunade for over two years refined her already impressive chakra control, becoming a vital part to many of her abilities.

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