Pornhub cops

Pornhub cops

The City Council voted narrowly to replace school resource officers with a public safety plan that does not require the constant presence of armed police officers. Assuming all incumbents take back their seat, the challengers who fill those two spots will greatly reshape the board. They see standard Democrats like Joe Petty as Marxists or fascists or both and anyone to his left as Antifa thugs waiting to break into their home and replace all their family photos with pictures of Peppa Pig dying a horribly violent death. Despite a recent spate of high-profile instances of police brutality, cops are still posting TikToks of themselves doing viral dances in uniform, taking their viewers inside patrol cars, reenacting traffic stops and, most unfortunately, thirst-trapping — all in the name of building and maintaining their massive virtual followings. Last summer, the TikTok cop community went viral, more so for merely how cringe-worthy their videos were than any type of intentional image maintenance. There are a handful of candidates for City Council and School Committee running good campaigns that challenge the status quo from the left, buuuut it is historically a lot harder to get people to show up for the polls for those sorts of candidates than for candidates like Cipro. By Logan Mahan missloganmarie. No slight to biology or history but you know what I mean. Not at all. Worcester City Hall, over the past few years, has implemented a few modest, well-intentioned reforms. Bill Shaner. And why are police even on TikTok in the first place?

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