Pornhub cuck

Pornhub cuck

Like I thought did some alt-right nut job hack CNN? As a modern sexual practice, cucking requires an ostensibly heterosexual man to watch as another man penetrates his wife. Already a subscriber? Yep, there is a lot unpack given the demographic. The trend dovetailed with a similar increase in searches for cuckold porn, according to porn aggregator Pornhub. Heraclito January 26, , pm 9. So how did a literally medieval insult end up in modern American politics? Papasan January 26, , pm Just as a woman who uses bitch to insult other women in earnest is, inevitably, also kind of a bitch, a man who accuses another of being a cuck is, inevitably, the most fragile man of all. No kidding. The term is now also being used as a rebuke of what many on the right perceive as PC liberalism run amok. John McDermott.

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