Pornhub educational

Pornhub educational

What if — and stick with us here — an alien reptilian race is hiding in plain sight, disguised as humans, and sheltering deep underground? To make sure you never miss out on your favourite NEW stories , we're happy to send you some reminders. Pornhub has decided to bridge the gap between fantasy and reality by starting its own sex education series. Choose your content:. You can contact Amelia at [email protected]. The Canadian Press. Click ' OK ' then ' Allow ' to enable notifications. The "Pornhub Sexual Wellness Center" website went live Tuesday and covers topics ranging from basic anatomy, sexually transmitted diseases as well as basic reproductive health. The Daily Beast. Corey Price, Vice President of Pornhub said in a press release: "As the premiere destination for adult entertainment, catering to nearly 70 million daily visitors, we wanted to provide our fans with a trusted educational platform they can utilise as their go-to resource for information and advice when it comes to sex. The former House speaker slammed the ex-president and current GOP candidate for putting himself above the Constitution. The videos are all narrated by legit professionals, from PhDs to licensed sex therapists.

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