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Alternatively, shops may choose not to display their goods or advertise that they sell them, in which case minors may be admitted. Czech Republic. Whoever has in his possession any such obscene book or other thing as is mentioned in the last preceding section for the purpose of sale, distribution, or public exhibition, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three months. This article needs additional citations for verification. Article Manufacture, etc. NBC News. Laws relating to pornography in Papua New Guinea are vague. Australia including all territories. Samoa Global News. Pornography, including online pornography, is illegal in Nauru and pornographic websites are blocked. India Today. Obscene matters or things Any person who makes, produces or has in his possession any one or more obscene writings, drawings, prints, paintings, printed matter, pictures, posters, emblems, photographs, cinematograph films or any other object tending to corrupt morals is guilty of a misdemeanour and is liable to imprisonment for five years or to a fine of not less than fifteen thousand penalty units nor more than seventy-five thousand penalty units.

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