Pornhub end of year

Pornhub end of year

In 1 st was Yua Mikami, a singer, Youtuber, and retired pornstar. As a result, it seems like there is more porn being produced that targets a female audience. The takeaway is that people like to see porn featuring their fellow citizens! While categories have remained quite similar over the years, search terms vary widely. Kirsten Korosec…. The following map illustrates which of the top categories are most popular in different parts of the world. Live events cause people to adjust their regular porn viewing schedule, quite often causing a drop in Pornhub traffic. Tattooed women were viewed for 18 minutes and 14 seconds on average. Page 1 Page 2 … Page 75 Next page. Next Next post: Italian Election We use essential cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Our statisticians took a closer look at some of the Top 20 countries to see how their traffic changed during World Cup matches.

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