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So afterwards, these silicon orbs, I called them Bert and Ernie, I felt really alienated from them. The specific, skillful, highly accomplished craftsmanship, for lack of a better word, of your work, is a huge part of its beauty for me. I just had a lot of pre-cancer, a lot of rogue atypical cells. It can just read as a nice image to look at. Hollowell has a bright, clean studio on a quiet street in Queens NY, with areas for casting, priming, and painting her biomorphic wall works. It was so transformative and liberating that I had to make an image of the experience. With Point of Entry , I was interested in having the butt, these curtain shapes at the top of the piece, be these heavy clouds in the foreground, and then you have this kind of phallic cactus shape coming in from below. As soon as I saw Happy Vagina , my mind just zoomed back in time and place to when I made this work. So at eight centimeters dilated, as I remember the experiences, this was my visualization of that time. Read full article. I had my two midwives there and my Doula and my husband and my son, and everyone was looking at me from above. When did you start preparation for your book, Tits Up?

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