Pornhub fighting

Pornhub fighting

UK porn watchers could have faces scanned. In , Kaspersky Lab reported that malware targeting online porn account credentials more than doubled in , and researchers analyzing 22, pornography websites estimated that 93 percent were leaking user data to a third party. Child abuse. Skip to content. Elena Michael ,co-founder of Notyourporn, a group fighting the image-based sexual abuse of adults, sex workers and under's, broadly welcomed the plan but added: "What I don't want to happen is this to be used as some sort of marketing tactic, or some sort of paper pushing exercise, or a way for companies to say, on the surface, 'look we're doing something', but actually, the substance of it is not there". Pornhub partners with UK child abuse fighting charity. Take pleasure in watching curated "Fight Ring" videos chosen for everyone's enjoyment. Pornhub explained that—similar to blocks in Texas, Utah, Arkansas, Virginia, Montana, North Carolina, and Mississippi—the site refuses to comply with soon-to-be-enforceable age-verification laws in this new batch of states that allegedly put users at "substantial risk" of identity theft, phishing, and other harms. On July 1, according to a blog post on the adult site announcing the impending block, Pornhub visitors in Indiana, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, and Nebraska will be "greeted by a video featuring" adult entertainer Cherie Deville, "who explains why we had to make the difficult decision to block them from accessing Pornhub. By Chris Vallance, Technology reporter. It also creates an opportunity for criminals to exploit and extort people through phishing attempts or fake [age verification] processes, an unfortunate and all too common practice. In today's world, where naked bodies are no longer shocking, watching videos like Pornhub Live or download Fight Vs Chad Diamond sex videos or Pornhub Com has become as normal as any other activity.

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