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Jonathon Van Maren. Is it better to have this in place to stop and help the people who search this in hope of finding cp, or do you feel like me and feel misunderstood by this action? Register a new account. Would love to check them out. Is your doll on pornhub? If companies get enough complaints they will cut ties, even with innocent websites communities like Furries or people who are into tickling. One thing I did find interesting about the original CTV article was that Ackman apparently asked American Express to take action, even though apparently you already could not use their cards on the site. How realistic Starpery dolls are, I wanna see them now! Numerous hosting services do forbid webmasters from creating such sites with them. You cannot delete your posts in this forum. From the CBC :. But in this case, several Canadian outlets looked into this over the past year, including Martin Patriquin, after videos of an abducted teen showed up on the site.

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