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Or he might just despise Wisconsin. Most Viewed Stories. Throw a little bit of current events to make me feel in the know with some easy math to make me feel smart, and you have my click. That gave people enough time to tell their loved ones everything was okay, drink a fifth of the closest liquor, and go to hammer town. For a little over a half an hour over the weekend, people in Hawaii lived in fear of an impending missile strike. Fifteen minutes after the whoopsies, this was a false alarm alert was sent, views spiked by 48 percent. Choose a password to create an account: Enter your password or sign in with a different email Forgot Password? Show Leave a Comment. Which candidates have qualified? But Pornhub decided to get a little dark with this one, which is fine because this chart debunked the long-standing myth about how people would react when they thought they were about to die. By Kevin T. It may hurt Baptists more than it hurts IVF.

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