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Archived from the original on October 7, And raise awareness for the complex soldier who deals with his sexual identity during his military service. Gay and lesbian studies is a multidisciplinary major that will give you a strong body of knowledge in gay and lesbian history and culture. Previous slide. On October 12, , Times reporter Judith Miller became one of several victims of alleged anthrax attacks. Archived from the original on November 27, Retrieved October 24, — via npr. On November 12, , Kristof made national headlines after he chased and tackled an intruder whom he discovered burglarizing his room at the Franklin Hotel near Independence Hall in Philadelphia. A Building. Toggle limited content width. Vision: We envision a Cornell community where individuals of all identities experience a sense of community, empowerment, and inclusion, and are able to thrive as their full authentic selves. The aggrieved billionaire is gunning for Harvard, Business Insider, and anyone who talks about his wife.

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