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Carol Blood of Bellevue. Similar legislation has passed in a dozen other states since , including Indiana, Florida and Idaho just this year, according to the The Free Speech Coalition, the trade association for the adult industry. I doubt it That is why they passed the law. Largely speaking, people do not want there highly personal, sensitive activity and preferences to be attached to their identity and maintained by some entity that either may get hacked or may use it in any number of nefarious ways. Once that trust is breached, customers will leave. I'm in the same boat Similar trends were observed in Google trends data in Utah and Mississippi, while market shares were seemingly largely maintained in California, a state not yet checking IDs to access adult sites. The company blames a new Nebraska state law requiring it to check the IDs of people using its site or hire another company to do so. She holds an undergraduate degree in journalism from Northwestern University. The website closed in Texas last week , and has also blocked access to its site in Arkansas, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina , Utah , and Virginia in response to similar state legislation. My conclusion is that governments should not make laws without having good ground to stand on.

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