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This is truly wild. Websites that host content that can be considered porn have to implement "reasonable age verification methods," including asking users to present a government-issued ID or a digitized form of it. When Kentuckians opened up the pornography video-sharing website Thursday, they were hit with a pop up. Privacy-minded adults and teens blocked from legal access may proceed to abandon U. Meta is in trouble with E. Apps Apple gives developers a way to nominate their apps for editorial consideration on the App Store Sarah Perez. Some have raised concerns over user privacy and civil liberties, noting that tech-savvy underage Internet users will likely find ways around the new systems, while others are praising Louisiana lawmakers for protecting young people from adult content. The lawmaker behind this, state Rep. The privacy policy also states that user data will be stored "for different periods of time depending upon the purposes for which we collected it. Gaming The new Kirby and the Forgotten Land shows that the lovable pink ball will outlive us all. Startups are the core of TechCrunch, so get our best coverage delivered weekly. The legislation was a dangerous step towards censorship and should be seen in the context of an effort by conservative and faith-based groups to "remove sex and information about sex from the public square", said Mr Stabile.

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