Pornhub interactive videos

Pornhub interactive videos

The largest pornography site on the net has been syncing its interactive adult movies with the Fleshlight Launch and Kiiroo's Onyx since June, and now it's adding its own, brand-spanking new haptic toys the Virtual Rabbit, Virtual Blowbot Turbo Stroker, and Virtual Blowbot Stroker to the list. From today, you can now find a new Interactive section of Pornhub that offers clips intended for both the Kiiroo Onyx and Fleshlight Launch. Pornhub, an adult content site, has announced compatibility with interactive sex toys like the Kiiroo Onyx — essentially an articulated sex jar — and the Fleshlight Launch — also essentially an articulated sex jar. The National Music Publishers' Association has called on the Federal Trade Commission to examine Spotify's addition of audiobook content into all of its paid subscription plans. Updated June 28, at PM. Demus will receive her gold medal at a ceremony at the foot of the Eiffel Tower during the Summer Olympics. TechCrunch Mobility is your destination for transportation news and insight. From a new Nominations dashboard in App Store Connect, developers will be able to create their nominations, either one by one or by uploading a spreadsheet to nominate apps in…. In addition, Ufeel will be showing Pornhub how to embed the sync technology in a variety of other videos both from established studios and amateurs. Sign up here for free — just click TechCrunch Mobility! Recommended Stories. If you're still not satisfied, there's always VR porn.

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