Pornhub not accessible in texas

Pornhub not accessible in texas

Selected edition. Copy link Email Print. This is what Texas users see when they visit the adult site Screenshot credit: Hackread. Find the best Disney Pride merch here so you can celebrate, too. Similar legislation in Indiana could become law and possibly lead to Pornhub also disabling access to that state, the difference is, the company may also be held legally liable by minors' parents. According to Forbes , a VPN is a virtual private network that gives you more security when browsing the internet wherever you are. Paxton's office declared victory when the U. Photos Theater Visual Art. Become A Member. Pornhub representatives have argued that the age verification requirement is against First Amendment rights on accessing protected free speech, while others have said the law would make it harder for people to seek information on sexual education and information on LGBTQ issues. Group of Brands. The order allowed the Office of the Attorney General to enforce the new law.

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