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The new law, passed in April, creates liability for knowingly or intentionally publishing or distributing material harmful to minors on the internet. Download the Channel 8 News app. I don't see any issues in your log. Age-verification laws requiring adult site visitors to submit "private information many times to adult sites all over the Internet" normalizes the unnecessary disclosure of personally identifiable information PII , Pornhub argued, warning, "this is not a privacy-by-design approach. Please keep posting more logs of this issue. People are also reading…. Since users are submitting their personal information to adult sites across the web, the company said the door is open to risk of data breaches and increased opportunities for scammers to "exploit and extort" people using phishing attempts. Pornhub is blocking access to its content in five more US states starting in July in response to new age verification laws aimed at preventing minors from accessing adult content online. However, the 90s are on tap for the foreseeable future as the city will see its first heat wave of the year. York has a dedicated "kitten room" built in her basement to house foster kittens for up to four to six weeks at a time. North Carolina won Read Today's E-edition.

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