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From what I can tell, this one-handed commentariat is no less polarized than the country itself, with support for Trump roughly equal to its opposition. Since 17 March, right before Trump announced he was about to be indicted, Daniels' numbers exceeded record highs. Her favourite topics to write about include sex and relationships, bizarre lifestyle trends and all things travel. According to Southgate, things need to change and fast. More Stories from MEL. People vow to 'never drink again' after seeing tap water under a microscope. They are the tossed-off talking points of dudes who paused a hog-cranking session to check out the porn actress who says she spanked our commander-in-chief with a copy of Forbes. The video has put people off gulping down tap water, though some viewers pointed out a problem. The year-old has pleaded not guilty to all 34 charges of falsifying business records. Overwhelming much of the masturbation chatter you typically find down here is raw commentary on Trump, this scandal, and the state of the union. And, on 21 March alone, Daniels' name was searched , times - which works out to a massive 21, percent increase to her usual average. Is there anything to be gained or learned from these exchanges?

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