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New Tab , opens new tab. What Our Subscribers Say. These specific obligations include submitting risk assessment reports to the Commission, putting in place mitigation measures to address systemic risks linked to the provision of their services, complying with additional transparency obligations, including related to ads, and providing access to data for researchers. To view the latest version of this document and thousands of others like it, sign-in to MLex or register for a free trial. Her stories on high profile mergers have pushed up the European telecoms index, lifted companies' shares and helped investors decide on their move. These obligations apply to designated Very Large Online Platforms i. An agenda-setting and market-moving journalist, Foo Yun Chee is a year veteran at Reuters. Pornography websites Pornhub, XVideos and Stripchat are disputing how the European Commission calculates their user numbers, citing what they see as obvious errors in the watchdog's workings, including errors of fact and law, meaning they fail to meet principles of legal certainty. Get the CNA app Stay updated with notifications for breaking news and our best stories Download here. In filings to the EU General Court, the. Why MLex. Please indicate which ones you would like to be included in your Daily Wrap-up alert.

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