Pornhub sues texas

Pornhub sues texas

In a news release , Paxton framed his legal fight against porn companies as an effort to protect children from "harmful" and "obscene" materials. Share on Reddit. The first age verification lawsuit against a major web porn purveyor is here. The new owners are aiming to be more engaged in shaping public policy and more responsive to the media. A federal judge in Austin agreed, ruling that the law ran afoul of the First Amendment by deterring adult access to sexually explicit, but legal, material. What Texas is trying to do here, then, is place a significant regulation on First Amendment-protected speech—and one a judge has already declared this unconstitutional, in a challenge to HB that's still ongoing. Texas House Bill , which Gov. The Verge The Verge logo. Contact The Author Name required. But Texas is a state that never seems to shy away from unconstitutional laws, particularly where tech or sex are concerned. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. A federal judge in Austin agreed, ruling that the law ran afoul of the First Amendment by deterring adult access to sexually explicit, but legal, material.

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