Pornhub traffic junky ads

Pornhub traffic junky ads

Made Easy. This break from the norm is perhaps reason for the seemingly phenomenal success they have had in just nine short years of their existence. Aylo has retained counsel recently, having sent two cease and desist letters to Sound Investigations. You must comply with their rules and regulations. Traffic Statistics. Most mainstream brands typically stay away from advertising against adult content. Referral Program. Available: RedTube, YouPorn. Arden Young, one of the journalists at Sound Investigations, said the group would defy the cease and desist orders. Through the DSP, Collie said these brands can work with TrafficJunky in a similar way they work with tools that major walled gardens offer. Lindsey Boan, director of media at full-service agency Madwell, said advertising on porn sites can be an always-on strategy for brands outside of the sexual wellness or pleasure categories, like pizza delivery companies. This is simply an attempt to use disingenuous tactics to create a damaging characterization devoid of any fact or truth," reads a statement provided to AVN by an Aylo spokesperson.

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