Pornhub viagra

Pornhub viagra

Moreover, Pornhub, a multibillion-dollar corporation that hosts an estimated million visitors a day and 1, searches per second, only employs six content moderators worldwide, according to Isaacs, who says she was told this in a meeting with the company that she recorded. In fairness, not everyone is convinced that these local searches are the result of revenge-porn paranoia. I once got a link in 10 seconds after having spent almost an hour searching on my own. To that end, some people hit share on porn just to save it for later. Six months passed without a response, and the videos remained up. When these relationships end, of course, such photos and videos live on the cloud for hackers and at the fingertips of burned exes. Posted by Rose Kalemba on Thursday, March 5, In some cases , names, schools, social media profiles, addresses and even social security numbers have been posted alongside the porn as part of the harassment. Nor is there a screening process before videos go live. Then boom! Not to mention, the share buttons are still there. You would be surprised.

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