Pornhub virginia reddit

Pornhub virginia reddit

Read preview. But the school board unanimously reversed its decision after a review by an appeal committee determined the text has " significant, serious value for minors which outweighs the violent or vulgar content it contains," the AP reported. Fact Check. Copy Link lighning bolt icon An icon in the shape of a lightning bolt. Later, however, in response to an emergency appeal by Texas officials, the US 5th Circuit Court of Appeals overruled Ezra with an order that allowed the law to take effect. Premium Subscription. More in Business. Read next. Homepage Newsletters. In a series of social media posts, it was claimed that the restrictions represented a "ban," with maps shared online purportedly showing the states where this "ban" on adult material was being imposed. Related stories. Virginia, for instance, passed a law in July requiring websites where a portion of the material hosted is "harmful to minors" — which in this case would include pornography — to verify that its users are over 18 years old.

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