Pornhub virginia

Pornhub virginia

Virginia State Sen. Ahead of new age verification law, Pornhub blocks access in Virginia. Age verification laws are increasingly been introduced and passed across the US, particularly in more conservative areas of the country, as a way to prevent children from accessing porn. In , the Free Speech Coalition filed a lawsuit in Utah after the state introduced age verification requirements for adult websites, resulting in a statewide block from Pornhub. AP and Getty images may not be republished. After that experience, it decided to start taking its sites offline instead of enforcing an age gate. The Verge homepage. Users would need to submit copies of government-issued identification or another reasonable method of age and identity verification. He is a graduate of Oxford University. Kekesi added that Pornhub is consulting its legal team and "reviewing options," adding: "This is not the end. We ask that you edit only for style or to shorten, provide proper attribution and link to our website. Boden also emphasized that less-mainstream websites, unlike Pornhub, often lack adequate guardrails that ensure content uploaded on their platforms is consensual and legal.

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