Pornhub wonder woman

Pornhub wonder woman

But as far as my ongoing customers, they continue to like the classic look: the panties with the stars. The fans love superheroines to have shiny pantyhose. There was one that was really popular called The Trophy Room. More Stories from MEL. Batwoman: Seduction double cross! I fully direct and produce the movies as well as edit them and create the graphics. Rule 34 is never truer than when applied to movie franchises, and among the most easily translatable are those in the superheroine genre. A brief scan of PornHub reveals superheroine plots like this one, in which Wonder Woman and Supergirl turn against each other, fighting bare-handed until one performs revenge cunnilingus on the other obviously. I started researching the character and had a costume made. Those stories are mostly based on fan requests, the comics themselves and basic porn scenarios with costumes thrown in. The fans like the sense of danger, the heroine being in danger and captured. But as far as my ongoing customers, they continue to like the classic look: the panties with the stars.

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