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Good job! I was pretty much numb to everything happening on screen at that point because I was so disappointed. The Emperor is an unfortunate relic of the Daisy plotline, where they were almost certainly the Absolute looking to free itself from the control of the stones, and it's possible that an ending would've involved you 'dreaming down by the river' inside the hivemind after transformation. Lastly, there is no story at all, no character development as a result of some lazy irrelevant flashbacks and the scenes of the side characters can easily be removed. Malrith member Joined: Jan Location: Italy. He deserves more development and writing and is a fascinating character. It was predictable, but in a good way. SeaCat stranger S Joined: Sep Jang, Jinwook's secretary I leave 4 stars. Why didn't he come to us as Balduran, for example? I really enjoyed this show. He's amazing, and wears them proudly.

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