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THESE are the real victims of pornography. Rose Kalemba. Innocent women and children whose trauma are forever immortalized on a digital screen for the sexual pleasure of men. Allen Salway. The cycle of being a Fire Emblem fan is making fun of how the characters look and then loving them when the game comes out LOL. See this in the app Show more. On God, RoseKalemba has been through some serious fuck shit but gdamn.. This rule is for religious reasons, but also practical ones because the oils on your hands can damage the parchment very easily if touched regularly. I think one of the main problems we have as a society is women see too much humanity in men where there is none and where they would never see it for you. Yes, well, you clearly don't understand the religious context or significance of the Holy Bible and genuinely don't understand the gravity of desecrating one. It took her months and repeated attempts for Pornhub to finally take the video down, only after she had to pretend to be a lawyer. Phil Becker.

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