Sexersice comic

Sexersice comic

Bae Woong was once a strong and fit athlete — at least in his mind. Took me a bit to realize I'd been tricked into setting up a daily exercise routine. Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb. Cueball: Hmm, let's see Because human brains, especially the cynical ones, like to game the system whenever they can, they will find easy things to do that also score high. Can someone do an explanation for the 5 minute comic at the bottom? But the creators of Fitocracy and other such successful sites, like Weight Watchers or Lumosity know this, and, as "in Soviet Russia" , the system games you, as shown, to adopt an exercise regimen, or to lose weight, or to get smarter, or whatever else there is. Chapter 8 minutes ago. Chapter 67 7 days ago. Title text: I felt so clever when I found a way to game the Fitocracy system by incorporating a set of easy but high-scoring activities into my regular schedule. To ensure your continued use of Lezhin Comics Japan and Lezhin Comics US, we intend to provide your personal information to third parties located outside of Korea. The Abduction of Mademoiselle.

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