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Taking a swing at you was one thing; taking a swing at you while his hand was a huge fireball? Hermione and the Meetings And then there was always the even worse third option: someone else on top of the known headaches, and the SRI would have no intel on the new 'someone else'. So you really ought to go all the way back to 'The League of Extraordinary Women' and start reading there, so everything makes sense. The Only Epilogue, Honest! Get more of what you love! So him getting to enjoy the looks on other people's faces was pretty close to maximum general-fun. Size Color. From Broadway to the small screen, here's what your favorite witches and wizards have been up to since graduating from Hogwarts. You could even read all the stories listed on my 'series' page for this, although the Teraverse now encompasses over a hundred stories by a score of different authors! And this is Lieutenant Annie Farrell, computer hacker and data analyst extraordinaire. Numbers

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