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Through her organization, she extends her philanthropic reach to empower impoverished families globally, fostering self-sufficiency rather than dependency. Actress The Empress —. Recently, Soomekh got one of the lead roles as Hollis on the television series The Oaks , which will come out in the fall of Recently viewed. Abdollah Eskandari. Rosie Malek-Yonan is a contributing writer to "Seyfo: Genocide, Denial and the Right of Recognition" ISBN , a book which is a compilation of articles and speeches presented at conferences held in the European Parliament and published in the Netherlands. Learn more. After graduation she moved to Berlin and studied acting. She received good reviews for her 12 episodes on the fourth season of the Fox television series 24 as Dina Araz, a terrorist undercover as a well-to-do housewife and mother in Los Angeles. More to explore. Calendar of festivities Find here all the important dates and festivities. Mina Sadati born in November 24, in Kashan is an Iranian stage, film and television actress.

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