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Jarl Balgruuf is perhaps the best example. No-one else from the Athkatlan upper class including his own father speaks that way. David Hatch complains that he only ever gets to do the narration and never gets any interesting parts. His female co-host Judy has a much more identifiable Southern belle accent, it's merely inconsistent. Symbicort, a medicine that treats COPD, has a series of commercials in which a rotating cast of actors play an old man telling "The Three Little Pigs" and his grandson commenting on the old man's inability to "huff and puff. Amazon Prime Video. In the Funimation dub, Foxy has an accent that sounds quite a lot like Don Karnage see below. Plugged In. He sounds vaguely North American, with a light vaguely-British accent, like he'd read about proper inflection in Earthling conversation but never quite got it. Las Vegas Review-Journal. Beth: French! Gillian Anderson was born in the US, but she moved to England when she was 2 and didn't move back until she was 11, and by then, her speech patterns had been set.

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