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Go for it. It remains a potent and at times exhilarating critique of contemporary society and of the power of the image untethered from its original context. The "message" film gets looked down upon with that argument, and I don't agree that it should though "message" films don't do themselves any favour; a lot of them are shit. And who is that guy using the 2 sticks? In this capacity, she works with the historic neighborhoods in Montgomery, the Historic Preservation Commission, and Architectural Review Board, as well with various downtown rehabilitation projects. The conversion to digital cinema was a major threat to the smaller theatres of America. Share this page:. Also, commonly called chambara or swordplay films. I'd love to know if anyone disagrees with my take on it Speaking of "Legend of chun Li", remember that lesbian tease scene? The story: Nothing much actually But this would be a mistake.

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